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Welcome to our new experiment of online ordering! We want to ensure you get the freshest coffee possible, so at the beginning of each week, we will roast your order and it will be available for pickup at Bethesda beginning on the Tuesday you selected. All coffee orders need to be placed BEFORE the Monday of the week you select, as Mondays will be our roast day. If you live in Hays and would like your coffee delivered by a friendly face, please mention that in the "order notes" section and include an address and phone number and Randy will happily deliver your order right to your door! We will be working on a shipping option we hope to roll out soon. Thank you for supporting the Six Bethesda Guys in their newest adventure! 
Below you MUST select a pickup date and time.  Pickup times are an estimate please feel free to pickup your coffee at any point after that time.  (If the checkout link is not working it is probably because a valid pickup time has not been selected)
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