Two is better than one and a strand of three cords is not easily broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:9
1571 220 Ave * Hays, Ks 67601 (785) 625-6220 bethesdaplaceinc@gmail.com
We are glad you are here!
If you or someone you love has a disability and you are searching for resources to improve your life, you have come to the right place. If you think you need help, then you probably do…because we ALL do. You will find in the men of Bethesda Place, living examples of those who have taken what they have been given and, in turn, have given their best every day. So, reach out…you never know what the future holds!
Here, you will also find links to our Airbnb home, information on our trees and crafts, details on upcoming community events, and information on our history. And we truly hope to see you in person.

We love looking back over the past three decades at all the men have accomplished and the many faithful friends God has provided to help them. There is so much truth to the saying, “The days are long but the years are short.” Disabilities can slow us down and we can easily become discouraged. But with patience toward ourselves and others, and by remembering the faithfulness of our God, we can triumph.